Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Make Tee Shirt Quilts to Preserve Special Memories

Fellow quilter, wouldn't you like to do something fun, useful -- even beautiful -- with all those old worn-out tee shirts you just can't bear to part with?  If the t-shirts taking up space in a drawer or cupboard  belong to someone else, clearing out the space by making them into something your loved one will enjoy feels even more satisfying.

Here's a suggestion: take a set of favorite old shirts, cut out the interesting parts, and use them to make a tee shirt quilt.

It's easier than you might think to make a good-looking t-shirt quilt. There are three steps:
  1. Choosing which t-shirts to include in the shirt. You may want to organize the shirts in the quilt by color, by event (such as a set of annual shirts from your favorite football team or fun run), by theme, such as a set of shirts from your favorite rock bands, or by size. 
  2. Deciding on a design. The traditional way is to sew the shirts into a simple grid with sashing to separate them, like this:but there are lots of ways to give your quilt a bit more style. 
  3. Prepare the tee shirts for quilting. The fabric in t-shirts is stretchy, so you need to stabilize it before you cut and sew it, to avoid pulling the shirt out of shape. 
  4. Sewing  the tee shirt blocks together, quilting, and binding the quilt. 

Making a T-Shirt Quilt a Memory Quilt

You can add interest to a tee shirt quilt by including photos, autograph quilt blocks, and traditional blocks with a related theme. A bear's paw block makes a great element in a quilt featuring tee shirts from the University of California at Berkeley Bears football team. 

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